Expedition Transportation

alaska, artic slope, bears, big game hunting, camping, caribou, guns, hunting, meat, moose, nature

Well so far we have found ourselves using many different ways to transport ourselves to the various hunting spots around the state of Alaska. We started off driving up to the Arctic Slope. That was a lot of hours in the truck then tundra hiking.

For the Dall Sheep hunting location, we decided to test out mountain biking. And the mountain bikes were a huge success….way better than ATVs. The thinner tires allowed us to pedal around swamp bogs, where ATVs would get stuck. When the bikes did get stuck, we could just lift them out of the mud…no winches required. And with no motors we cruised in silently, so no animals were scared out of the area. We were so quiet in fact that we biked upon a wolf and immediately after that, a mama Grizzly bear, with her cub. It got intense, but both parties went on there way…unharmed.

And of course, by foot is still our most relied upon method of transportation. We have done a lot of hiking in the mountains so far and the weather has been crazy. It was pouring down rain and even though it was August 10, we got snowed on! Then some days were sunny and hot. As they say, if you don’t like the weather in Alaska…just wait a second.

And when the mountain sides allowed us, we started running down. We just let gravity and our pack weight take us down while controlling the decent with our feet. It is way easier than going step by step…and more fun!

We also want to thank our friend, Bryan Peters, for helping us film on our past Dall Sheep Hunt. He got some awesome shots and was a huge asset. There are not too many people that would be able to mentally and physically handle that hunt, but Bryan made it look easy. We had a lot of fun and hope to have him along again some time.

Check out the short video of what we have been up to lately and stay posted because in two day we are at it again. We are going moose hunting and are taking a new form of transportation…horseback.

Strength and Honor,

Mission Alaska

Mountain Goat Burgers

alaska, artic slope, bears, big game hunting, camping, caribou, guns, hunting, meat, nature, wildlife

The best part about hunting in my opinion is the meat. An initial investment for a meat grinder and vacuum sealer can make any outdoorsmen happier, healthier, and richer. A lot of “hunters” just go for the antlers or horns. Once they pull the trigger, it’s over and they never know or care what happened to the meat. The animal deserves respect and an ethical sportsmen considers meat processing just as much a part of the hunt as shooting the animal.

This is a video we shot tonight of us making mountain goat chipotle burgers. Some garlic, peppers and BBQ sauce. They were awesome and will be even better this winter.

If you really want organic meat…HUNT!

Mission Alaska

Goat Hunting Accident

alaska, artic slope, bears, big game hunting, camping, caribou, guns, hunting, meat, moose, nature, wildlife


We just harvested a mountain goat and Austin had an accidental cut on the cliff. Mountain goats live in seriously steep country!

No pain no gain.

-Mission Alaska

Fueling Harvest With Harvest

alaska, artic slope, bears, big game hunting, camping, caribou, guns, hunting, meat, nature, wildlife

One of the awesome benefits of being a hunter is that with success comes meat, and when you just harvested three caribou…a lot of meat! This is a short video of us grilling some caribou burgers from our most recent hunt. We are filling our stomachs right now then driving to the Kenai Peninsula for a mountain goat/black bear hunt tonight. We are definitely going to be needing that protein. Fueling future harvest with past harvest.

Stay Posted,
Mission Alaska

Caribou Hunting Mission Complete

alaska, artic slope, bears, big game hunting, camping, caribou, guns, hunting, nature, wildlife

We just completed a successful caribou hunt in the Arctic circle. We harvested three bulls and got some meat for the freezer. In this short video, shot with my iPhone, we are just starting the 8 mile hike back to the truck. Each one of those packs we are holding, has the persons camping equipment, filming equipment, and a full bull caribou! They weighed close to 200 lbs each. The quads and calves were torched to say the very least.

There is no time for recovery, as we are currently driving to central Alaska to hunt for Dall Sheep. It is August and the mountain tops have already been dusted with snow. It’s going to be cold but hopefully the sheep will be moving.

Keep checking back for more posts and videos.

Strength and Honor,
Mission Alaska